Here is a simple all in one command solution that will do it for you from terminal
sed -i 's/8083;/2083;/' /usr/local/vesta/nginx/conf/nginx.conf && v-add-firewall-rule ACCEPT 2083 TCP && v-delete-firewall-rule 2 && service vesta restart
If you have not modified the default firewall rules #2 is for the 8083. If you have you can use this longer command to be more safe
sed -i 's/8083;/2083;/' /usr/local/vesta/nginx/conf/nginx.conf && v-add-firewall-rule ACCEPT 2083 TCP && sed -i -e '/8083/ s/ACCEPT/DROP/' /usr/local/vesta/data/firewall/rules.conf && v-update-firewall && service vesta restart
Breakdown of the command
The parts of the first example are as follows so that you can see whats getting done and one command at a time.
Changes the port in the nginx file
sed -i 's/8083;/2083;/' /usr/local/vesta/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
Add firewall rule for new port using VestaCP command
/usr/local/vesta/bin/v-add-firewall-rule ACCEPT 2083 TCP
Remove old port firewall rule using VestaCP command
/usr/local/vesta/bin/v-delete-firewall-rule 2
Restart VestaCP
service vesta restart
curl > && bash
Feel free to download and see what the file actually does, and if you want to upload a file and run local here is the script in the file.
echo "NodeHost Custom VESTACP Script" echo "JOB: Changing VESTACP port" string="listen 8083;" stringnew="listen 5600;" grep "$stringnew" /usr/local/vesta/nginx/conf/nginx.conf || sed -i "s/$string/$stringnew/g" /usr/local/vesta/nginx/conf/nginx.conf echo "JOB: Complete" echo "JOB: Changing VESTACP firewall rule for new port" v-add-firewall-rule ACCEPT 5600 TCP echo "JOB: Complete" echo "JOB: Restarting VESTACP" service vesta restart echo "JOB: Complete" echo "JOB: Port has been changed to 5600 from 8083"